
Sienna Hubert-Ross: The comedian known for her impression of Kamala Harris is suing Hinge Date for alleged attempted murder

Sienna Hubert-Ross: The comedian known for her impression of Kamala Harris is suing Hinge Date for alleged attempted murder

A standup comedian known for her impressions of Kamala Harris met a man on Hinge who almost immediately declared his undying devotion and then tried to murder her in a jealous rage, according to a $20 million lawsuit , which was received from The Independent.

The attack was so brutal that Sienna Hubert-Ross, 25, says she lost a role on a major television show after being forced into an audition “while covered in bruises and suffering from the mental trauma of the event.” , which had a negative impact on her performance and she was not offered the role.

Since then, Hubert-Ross – who happens to play the lead role an upcoming indie film about a dating app that turns fatal – suffers from suicidal thoughts, depression, severe insomnia and acute stress disorder and has completely lost interest in men and relationships, her lawsuit says.

In an emailed statement, attorney Brett Gallaway, who represents Hubert-Ross, said, “We are proud of Ms. Hubert-Ross for having the courage to act as an advocate for victims of domestic violence, even more so as a lawyer.” for themselves.

“The allegations against Mr Lane are very serious as this was a brutal attack that left both physical and emotional scars that will haunt her for the rest of her life. Mr Lane will now be forced to answer for his crimes and we look forward to ensuring he pays for his cowardly actions.”

Hubert-Ross claims her live-in boyfriend tried to kill her
Hubert-Ross claims her live-in boyfriend tried to kill her (New York State Supreme Court)

Hinge did not respond to requests for comment on Tuesday. Lane, whose attorney is not listed in court records, could not be reached.

According to their complaint, Hubert-Ross and Oliver Lane had their first date on May 14, 2024.

“It was obvious that Lane had a keen interest in Hubert-Ross's public appearance, as he gushed almost to the point of obsession over Hubert-Ross's social media presence and comedy skits,” the complaint states. “About a week and a half after dating, Lane told Hubert-Ross that he loved her, and the two soon began virtually living together.”

To demonstrate her commitment, Hubert-Ross agreed to end relationships with two other men with whom she had occasionally dated, and Lane said he would cut off communication with an ex-girlfriend with whom he still regularly dated talked, the complaint says.

But things quickly got rocky. Lane, whose father is chairman of Morgan Stanley's European real estate division, wanted his friend Will to live with them, a “third-wheel” arrangement that Hubert-Ross was not interested in, the complaint continues.

“Perhaps the biggest concern with Lane's proposed living arrangement was that Hubert-Ross believed Will had a homosexual love interest in Lane and that if they lived together, Will and Lane would enter into a romantic affair,” it says.

In late July, when Hubert-Ross and Lane were at a bar together, the complaint says Lane “became angry” while discussing her living situation and attacked Hubert-Ross before yelling at her, “I'm going to fuck.” . “Damn, kill you!”

The next day, when Hubert-Ross “continued to express concern about the idea of ​​Lane's girlfriend moving in with them,” Lane began shoving Hubert-Ross while screaming about how much she was “stressing him out,” according to of the complaint.

“At this point, Hubert-Ross was so concerned about Lane's violent outbursts and assaults that she eventually admitted and agreed that she and Lane would live with Will,” the complaint states.

In early August, Hubert-Ross and Lane met with several friends at a bar, one of whom Hubert-Ross had had “a romantic encounter” with several years earlier, according to the complaint. An angry Lane focused on this and insulted Hubert-Ross about it, including verbal abuse, the complaint says.

At the time, Lane “accidentally” revealed that he had stayed in touch with his ex, telling her in text messages that Hubert-Ross saw that “she was the only one for him” and that Lane “woke up often and thought about her, even though he was “in bed with Hubert-Ross,” the complaint states.

Caught in the act, Lane yelled at Hubert-Ross, called her an “immature little bitch” and a “little bastard” and threw her around the kitchen, according to the complaint.

“Before Hubert-Ross could think further, Lane snatched his phone from her and violently threw her into the oven,” the complaint states. “Hubert-Ross remained on the ground, stunned and shocked by what had just happened. Unfortunately for Hubert-Ross, this was just the beginning of Lane’s violent attack and attempted murder.”

As Hubert-Ross “lay in shock on the kitchen floor,” Lane, who is several inches taller and at least 50 pounds heavier than Hubert-Ross, grabbed her by the arms, dragged her to the bathroom and threw her into the bathtub. The complaint continues. Unable to defend himself against the attack, Hubert-Ross begged Lane to just break up with her and not hurt her anymore, they say.

“Lane responded by screaming in her face, 'You're ruining everything, you little bastard,'” the complaint states.

Lane then dragged Hubert-Ross out of the bathtub into the living room, pushed her to the floor and told her he hated her “and wanted her to die,” the complaint states. Hubert-Ross “fully expected” to die at Lane's hand, and when he briefly left the room, she was able to grab her phone, text her friend Sarah and “frantically” call her mother, it says of the complaint.

Hubert-Ross' mother counseled Sarah, and the two “could only listen helplessly to the horrific events that continued to unfold,” the complaint says. They heard Lane pick Hubert-Ross up and throw her onto his bed, at which point he threw her to the floor, causing her to hit her head on the bed frame and momentarily lose consciousness, the complaint states.

When she came to, Lane “continued to throw Hubert-Ross across the room … then sat on top of Hubert-Ross on the bed, propped her up, and violently punched her in the face several times at full force,” the complaint states. and added: “Lane bit her arm too.”

“During this portion of the attack, Lane called Hubert-Ross a 'little child' and told her he wanted to kill her,” the complaint states. “Hubert-Ross' mother and Sarah heard everything. Lane then put his right hand around Hubert-Ross' neck and began choking her. Hubert-Ross sensed that Lane was now trying to kill her and kicked him in a last-ditch attempt to save himself.”

However, this enraged Lane, who continued the brutal attack when Hubert-Ross begged him to stop. But the complaint states, “Instead of giving in to her requests, (Lane) escalated the attack, took a pillow, placed it over Hubert-Ross' head and mouth and began suffocating her.”

“Hubert-Ross somehow managed to escape this murder attempt and run out of the room, but Lane quickly followed her and grabbed her arm to drag her back into the bedroom,” it said.

There, Lane struck at Hubert-Ross but missed him and instead smashed a glass door, the complaint says. Before Lane could “finish the job and kill Hubert-Ross, he stepped on the broken glass, temporarily incapacitating him so that police called by Sarah could arrive on the scene,” the complaint states.

Officers immediately arrested Lane and brought “a battered and frightened Hubert-Ross” for treatment, according to the complaint, which says she applied for and received an order of protection against Lane.

At his arraignment Aug. 8, Lane pleaded not guilty to one count of second-degree strangulation, one count of third-degree assault and one count of obstruction of breathing or blood circulation. He is scheduled to appear in court again on November 20.

Hubert-Ross has since required intensive psychological treatment, and her “emotional distress has resulted in a strong and persistent dissociative interest in men and relationships and will likely result in years of ongoing expensive therapy and professional counseling,” the complaint states.

Since then, she has also “disconnected” from her personal and professional life, turning down numerous jobs “due to her poor appearance and/or the mental and emotional impact of Lane's attack” and missing out on others, such as the coveted role in “Very Well Known.” Radio station television broadcast.”

Hubert-Ross is seeking $20 million on four causes of action: $5 million for assault, $5 million for assault, $5 million for intentional infliction of emotional distress and $5 million for false imprisonment.

Although dating apps are one of the most common ways to meet people these days, a Research study from 2022 found An overwhelming number of sex offenders use the apps “as a hunting ground for vulnerable victims.”

There was a 24-year-old woman in Michigan kidnapped and tortured for three weeks from a man she met on the dating app MeetMe. Last year it was a man from Pennsylvania arrested for rape, armed robbery and car theft for allegedly terrorizing two men he met on Tinder.

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